Saturday, March 2, 2013

Date Night! - Jaxx Steakhouse in Addison

If your significant other is in the mood for a fancy steak dinner date night out, you don't have to kill your diet with a calorie nightmare- I strongly suggest checking out Jaxx Steakhouse in Addison. Tucked away from restaurant row off Beltline and Midway, the classy restaurant offers an old NY steakhouse feel, strong drinks, and most importantly a great low-carb option on the menu.

The lemon grilled chicken shown below is cooked in "light oil" and served with mixed veggies and their famous mashed califlower-yum! As you can see, you also get enough for lunch the next day!

I can't image that the cauliflower mash is too healthy, because it's DELICIOUS! But, it is a great alternative to the mashed potatoes you'd get at any other steak joint.

We also shared a house salad as an appetizer. The mixed greens, tomatoes, and cucumber were accompanied by a delicious balsamic vinaigrette on the side. This healthy choice is a better bet then the other fried menu options, but it's more fun and romantic to share a salad anyway!

While the prices are a tad high, you can get a 25% off coupon (and once in a while a 50% off email deal) by registering with the Best of Dallas Guide. You can sign up for their emails for free and receive a daily coupon!

Enjoy your date night out!

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